Leonardo vs. Buckminster Fuller, 2011
  • Informed Architecture

Sparkler is a three-dimensional interpretation of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous ‘Canon of Proportions’ which shows the Vitruvian Man, inscribed in a circle and a square. The experimental pavilion is thus from the outside reminiscent of an angular crystal while the inside depicts a perfect spherical geometry. These two basic forms are linked by the extruded edges of a regular Archimedean solid, the truncated icosahedron, in a way that the resulting sculpture appears as a harmonious form. The structure, made of pentagons and hexagons, shows therefore formal references to the constructions of Richard Buckminster Fuller, too.

First a parametric model was built; here the inner and outer basic geometry, sphere and cuboid, forming the circumference, together with the different cut surfaces which finally make up the body, are interdependent. For the production of the components with CNC technology, more relevant information was added to the parametric model.  The optimization of plate cutting, material strength and the required tolerances for assembly as well as logistical aspects for assembly, disassembly and reconstruction were all taken into account in the digital model.


Prof. Marco Hemmerling, Prof. Holger Hoffmann, Prof. Matthias Michel, David Lemberski, Guido Brand, Miriam Johnson, Fatima Ibrahimi, Janina Pörtner, Pia Hartmann, Felicitas Wendler, Jannik Flöttmann, Maria Moormann, Jan Baumgartner, Manuel Münsterteicher, Matthias Joachim, Wilrun Griemert, Ann-Kathrin Kahmann, Inga Felicitas Sonntag, Viktoria Padberg, Julia , Scheppke, Tülin Zümre, Janine Wilkop, Inna Metche, Esther Jablotschkin, Johanna Stüve, Stefanie Bröckling, Martina Driller, Irina Kraus, Olga Schukow, Lea Mattenklodt, Christoph Strugholtz, Juliane Meyer, Judith Woker.

Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Design
East-Westphalia University of Applied Sciences